Are you ready for your marriage???...
1. Never both be angry at the same time.
2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.
3. If one of you HAS to win an argument, let it be your mate.
4. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly.
5. Never bring up mistakes of the past.
6. Neglect the whole world rather than each other.
7. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled.
8. At least once every day try to say one kind or complimentary thing to your life's partner.
9. When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness.
10. It takes two to make a quarrel, and the one in the wrong is the one who does the most talking.
hurm...blm ready...blm ada duit...hahaha..neway,i think this rules is good..hahaha
small heart- bah..cari duit cpat2...saya mau mongivas ni...hahaha
alala.. smallheart, si toyong ni post yang gambar becium ni... mangkali teringin mo khawin sudah kali si toyong..
Anyway, pasal mo marriage ni kan perlu bersedia betul2 dari segi komitmen terhadap isteri, anak dsb. Bukan ikut sedap hati dan rasa sahaja. Bila da berstatus tu perlu ingat kena berubah dari segi cara hidup..
Enuvung- gambr bercium la yg ngam untk tjuk post sya tu selain ianya sesuatu yg romantik..hahaha..blum mau kwin lagi ba ni enuvung...bnyk komitmen lain lagi ni..lagi pun x calon2nya bah..huahahaha....
kalau mau kwin pastikan semuanya lengkap dari segi mental,fizikal,kewangan,rohaniah dah yg sewaktu dngnnya....hehe
nice article...
i always talk about the past mistakes....hahahaha
how to forget it?
Jacquelinne- always try to do something new for your life..thats the best way...
Thank you for your nice comment on my poem 'Langad'. Tapi kalu buli sa mau juga dangar ko punya lagu 'Langad' tue..sama2 kita sharing bah kan..
Pasal ini Rules for a happy marriage ni bagus sendiri pun suda kawin 27 tahun. Anak sa yg tua suda kawin, yang no.2 suda karaja, tinggal 2 urang lagi masi sikul...
But it was not easy to follow all the rules..unless you have the patient and positive thinking. Jadi Toyong, nanti bila ko suda kawin, bagus2 kama ko kio...
Awesome posting...Happy Marriage to help people save their troubled marriage and end the marriage crisis
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