Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Time Jadi Pengapit (Happy Wedding Day to Franco and Julina)

pengantin pun..ada gaya juga ba..hik3..

Opppsss!!..manja pula pengantin lelaki ni..hehe

CEO dan timbalannya..hahaha

panglima delay..hik3..
pakaian tradisi rungus..pakaian pengantin lelaki tu ada moden sikit la..hehe

Hahaha..macam orang kuat kerajaan pula gaya saya tu..hik3...ini la pengalaman saya pertama kali jadi pengapit kepada pengantin lelaki merangkap kawan baik saya..hehe...beliau menjadi raja sehari pada 06.06.2009 dan 07.06.2009.Memang senang jadi pengapit ni..tpi penat la duduk-duduk..hahahaha....memang aramai ti la pada sebelah malam...biasa la kalau majlis perkahwinan ni...tak sah kalau tiada minum sikit2..hik3...minuman???...fuh!!..tak habis minum..memang banyak....Oo..ya..nama pengantin lelaki tu ialah saudara Franco Akat dan isterinya pula ialah Julina...(lupa la bintinya..heheh) pengiring pada malam 07.06.2009 ialah kumpulan Rop' saya juga..hehe..dan pengacaranya pula ialah saudara Masangki...yang memang hebat dalam bidang pengacaraan majlis perkahwinan...hehe...kalau tak silap,saya pun ada me"nyumbang"kan lagu..hehe... haa..backdrop kat belakang pengantin tu,saya yang tolong lekat..sebab saya ja yang tinggi masa tu...cantik juga???..tidak senget juga??..huahahaha!!!...banyak lagi la cerita malam tu..tpi tak payah la cerita...nanti sampai esok pun tak habis cerita..nanti tak cukup pula page kat blog ni..hahaha... see ya next time with once upon a time in Labuan...LOL.. :-P

p/s: Thanks a million to Mr.Franco and family for inviting me to feel the joy of their wedding ceremony....your kindness and your greatest things so meaningful to all always in my heart even though where i am...hopefully i could be a part of your happy family..finally,thanks god for your blessing to everything we've did...we belive that every single things we had in this life was from you...praise god...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cuti panjang

Hai..everybody...sorry..long time delayed..hehehe..
emm....sekarang ni saya bukan lagi menetap d sekitar bandar,,,saya da jadi penduduk tetap di kampung...boring juga la coz tiada internet,, terbaru pun belum ada..tpi nanti la sya post cerita saya sewaktu berada di Labuan tempoh hari...tu pun kalau sya rajin p CC..hahaha...

sekarang ni sibuk berkaamatan dan main Muzik di rumah orng kahwin..hehehe..jadi,memang ada aramai ti juga la sikit2,,hahahha...ok la...jumpa lagi di post terbaru nanti...hik3....


p\s: kalau kamu perasan,juara unduk ngadau di Hongkod tu ada di sebelah saya..dalam gambar Miss Sabah lama saya..hahaha..ada juga ganbar dia dengan saya sebelum dia bergelar Unduk Ngadau Peringkat Negeri Sabah..hik3,,,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Miss Sabah Malaysia World 2009.

Sedikit buah tangan untuk kenang-kenangan.

Imelda George and Appey Rowena Januin

Personal Details

Miss Sabah Malaysia World 2009 Grand Final. Venue: 1Borneo Ballroom,Level 3,1Borneo Hypermall
Date: 25 April 2009
Time: 6.30 pm


5Tth: Michelle Lai Foong Yee
4th: Appey Rowena Januin
2nd Runner-Up: Ong Chong Ching @ Nicole
1st Runner-Up: Crystel Eve Huminodun William Majinbon
Miss Sabah Malaysia World 2009: Marie Bibiana Baxter

*Subsidiary Titles Winner*

Miss Congeniality: Imelda George
MissBody Beautiful: Pearl Diane Petrus
Miss Popular: Crystel Eve Huminodun William Majinbon
Miss Photogenic: Crystel Eve Huminodun William Majinbon
Best Catwalk: Marie Bibiana Baxter
Miss Adidas Sporty: Fredericka Camilla Richard Daut
Best International Wear: Ong Chong Ching @ Nicol

( Gambar tidak jelas.Harap maaf )

Friday, April 3, 2009

Harvest Festival Schedule

Yeah!!..kaamatan datang lagi..kali ni saya cuma mahu share dengan kamu orang tentang jadual pesta kaamatan di Sabah...kalau tak berapa jelas tu pix,kamu beli news paper ja la..hehehe
Ahaa!!..Hari ahad ni saya dan kawan2 akan berentap di Razz Ma Tazz untuk Band Championship 2009 anjuran Moe's Studio....Super Friends tu la group yang saya ikut...kalau mau tingu,datang la..RM20.00 entrance fee..hehe..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rules For A Happy Marriage

Are you ready for your marriage???...

1. Never both be angry at the same time.

2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.

3. If one of you HAS to win an argument, let it be your mate.

4. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly.

5. Never bring up mistakes of the past.

6. Neglect the whole world rather than each other.

7. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled.

8. At least once every day try to say one kind or complimentary thing to your life's partner.

9. When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness.

10. It takes two to make a quarrel, and the one in the wrong is the one who does the most talking.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Toyong!!.. :-)

Owh!!'s 12.00am...let me sing a song for me...

"Happy birthday to me"....(2x)
"Happy birthday to Uncle Toyong"...
"Happy birthday to me"....

(People applause while i blow the candle lights)....LOL...

Fuhhh!!!....22 years old already (16.03.1987/2009) ...hmm...still young bah!!....still have much time to fooling around...hahaha!! father was the 1st one who wish to me by sms around 12.30pm(sunday)...then my mother and my sisters by phone call...they wish me early....thanks to them..i love you!!!....

p/s: thanks to those people who intend to wish me... :p

Saturday, March 14, 2009


This is another issue for all of you to debate.This News of Daily Express was dated on 14.03.2009 (saturday).You may have a problem to read this article couse of the camera obscurity.Read it carefully for your satisfaction.... :p

I apologize for any inconvenient regarding to this post.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cinta??..apa tu??.. :-)

Ahaa....kali ni saya cuba-cuba post topik 'cinta' .....saya mahu lihat apakah pendapat dan komen-komen blogger..hehe...

Kepada pasangan-pasangan yang sedang dihangatkan oleh perasaan cinta,kamu renung-renungkanlah ayat dibawah tu.....dan kalau nak bercinta pastikan kesetiaan kamu pada yang satu itu kuat,teguh,mantap,kekal,tidak mudah goyah dan yang sewaktu dengannya....hehe..

Kepada couple2 tu...kamu berdebat la disini..hehe

p/s: untuk santapan dan hiburan kita sahaja.

Terima kasih.

Jgn mudah melafaz Cinta…....
Cinta itu pada siapa...... Jgn mudah melafaz kasih...... Kasih itu untuk siapa....... Cinta pada bunga,ia kan layu....... Cinta pada manusia,ia kan pergi,...... Cinta pada Tuhan kekal buat selamanya....... Kerana itulah Cinta yg HAKIKI.........

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How is your teeth looks like?

How many times you brush your teeth in a day?

Aha...better your all take care of your tooth properly before it's become to this new style tooth...LOL..For those people who like candy or sweets very much,from now on limit up the usage or else,you will become the next one to have this.LOL.

I intend to brush my teeth everytime after and before having stout.hahaha..

p/s: use "Morning Kiss" tooth paste for better result.. :p

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Where is Kunak actually??.. :-) (common mistake)

Daily Express

Utusan Borneo

This Utusan Borneo and Daily Express head lines was issued on 14 February 2009...(Valentine's Day).As usually,every day the "News Paper Boy" will delivered our order.(News Paper).I read the head lines and could see the picture up there...well,that was common mistake....I thought there is another Kunak located in Peninsular...LOL.. :p

This post doesn't meant humiliate the's tell us that everybody can do mistake...nobody not hesitate to apologize someone...hehehe..

p/s: I used my mobile camera to take this it's not too clear.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Belive it or Not

Anybody out there can explain this???...
Post your comments......

Big Head!!

You can see the excavator??...I think this people could lift up that heavy machine and throw it away.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Heart Attact

A very good article which takes two minutes to read. Sent by a friend who had about 25 or 30 years in the field with such emergencies....I'm sending this to persons I care about......why not do the same ?????

Heart Attacks And Drinking Warm Water

&n bsp;

This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attacks. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating.

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorb ed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack...
A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Le t's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive.

A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this & Send to a friend It could save a life. So, please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

My 1st Rungus Song calls "Langad"

This is my first Rungus song calls "LANGAD"...or in Malay is Rindu.I wrote this song in year 2007.All music was arranged by myself using Yamaha PSR 2100.Guitar part was played by me as well.I use my friend guitar (Gio Ibanez ) for the record because that time i haven't purchase my own guitar..ehehe..

The voice mixing was not too good.Just listen,the music too loud then the voicing.But it's OK for begining.. :-) Me and my friend made this MTV Karaoke shooting at Pantai Pasir Putih Putatan (Kota Kinabalu ).Well,this was my first time acting in front the camera.We're using Sonar 7 for the recording at ARS Recording Studio.(Audigy Recording Studio) belongs to my friend Masdin Hezzie Metol.He's Rungus guy and Guitarist as well.His studio located in Pasir Putih Putatan where he live now.Well,hope you enjoy this rough song..LOL.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Gift From Kay Kastum.

This time I wanna dedicate my thanksful to my cool Bro Mr.Kay Kastum for the "Buli ba Kalau Kau" T-shirt as christmas gift.I've been wearing this T-shirt for three days continueosly for promotion this cool T-shirt..LOL..You know what,so many people keep asking me.."where did you get this T-shirt?"...I reply them that this is limited edition arts..hehe..But,i've saw a few people with this T-shirt la kay??..hehe..might be your member as well..."Can Ba If You"...LOL..

Now,some of my friends and my Boss asked me to order this do i go about?...price?..Delivery?..any colour?..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rop's December 2008 Events.

Yeah...kita bertemu lagi...kali ni,kita akan bercerita tentang functions Rop's pada december ini.Gambar diatas tu merupakan gambar 'Full team'Rop's.Time tu kami baru nak bertolak ke tempat orang kahwin...sebelum jalan,kami posing dulu..ehehehe..yang pegang tin tu,nama dia Corine Gonduman dan merupakan bassist Rop's juga la.
Seperti yang saya janjikan dulu...haa...gambar diatas tu merupakan gambar saudara Alfius Mogak.Dia la drummer asal Rop's.Masa ni dia,kami pun dapat lah berjumpa dan Jamming sama-sama.Dia ni kalau bercerita,tak kering gusi...memang ada saja lawak jenakanya..hehe.Akhirnya,dapat juga kami mendengar semula pukulan drumnya..memang 'champion'la dia main.saya pun bersemangat main dengan dia.Taringnya masih ada lagi tau..jarang-jarang dia keluarkan..hehe.. botol dan tin la...apa tu ah??..hehe..masa ni kami main kat kampung Paku (Matunggung)...saya terus ja singgah sana sebab lewat da saya balik dari KK....da tak sabar nak main..hehe..Kitorang main kat Rumah Panjang.

Hehe..aduh..ada juga muka solo saya ni..hahaha..muka penat la katakan.. gambar saya dan saudara Alfius..ada iras2 abang dan adik tak??..hehe

Ini pula gambar saya dengan Saudara Richard Kinsung.Dia ni Rounded...main gitar boleh,main Keybord boleh,main bass boleh,main drum pun boleh,menyanyi,lagi la boleh.Kreatif orang ni.Lagu ciptaannya pun semuanya sedap.Penyanyi juga dia ni..hehe..kalau dia main gitar pun masih berbisa ni. time main lagu poco-poco.Menjalar jari-jari Si Isad mencari chord.hehe..
Huuu...last function kami main ialah pada 28hb.12.2008.Memang kami enjoy sangat dapat kumpul satu kumpulan untuk main bersama.Banyak cerita dan peristiwa.Maklum saja la bila december tiba...selepas krismas ja,mesti banyak program lain kan..hahaha.Sekian saja untuk kali ini.Nanti kita kongsi cerita lagi...Aramai tii!!!...