yahoo!!!...finaly...I have my dreamed guitar.......yes!..yes!..yes!....I bought it on 17.11.2008......it's almost one year for me to keep money only for this axe...I hope i could play better and better soon..hahahaha!!!....with this guitar,i manage to play more Steve Vai's songs...such as "for the love of god","tender surender","building the church","i'm the hell outta here"....and more...i hope so....Now,i've to get some guitar effect to make awesome sounds....anybody can suggest me the best tools??...help me please...ehehe...
testing...1 2 3..
Wahhh... congratulations on your first guitar!! :D
Ethel-I consider it as my 1st wife tu..huahaha...
Dude! Awesome axe! Love the color. Effects? Go old skool la. Pakai jak Boss compact pedal. Nanti bawa balik kampung ah.
cantik kan kalau putih..hehe...ya..nanti kita test di kg..yg mcm effect ko tu pun bgus tu...
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