Christmas Gift From Kay Kastum.
This time I wanna dedicate my thanksful to my cool Bro Mr.Kay Kastum for the "Buli ba Kalau Kau" T-shirt as christmas gift.I've been wearing this T-shirt for three days continueosly for promotion this cool T-shirt..LOL..You know what,so many people keep asking me.."where did you get this T-shirt?"...I reply them that this is limited edition arts..hehe..But,i've saw a few people with this T-shirt la kay??..hehe..might be your member as well..."Can Ba If You"...LOL..
Now,some of my friends and my Boss asked me to order this do i go about?...price?..Delivery?..any colour?..
hemm... saya pun ada baju tu order dari kawan... yang tanpa kolar tu ada 2 jenis colour hitam dan putih. ada banyak lagi jenis baju tu.. car sticker, topi dll pun ada...
enuvung-ya..cousin sya pnya war merah..dan ada sya nampak orng pkai d inanam war na coklat..tanpa kolar la...bha...nanti ko plng kg,sama2 kita pkai ni baju..kita jalan2 sana pantai kamu,ambil gambar and publish d blog..hahaha..
ahhaahahahh tumpang senyummm juga nii.. kamu ni kan.. ya lah kamu lah tu... :))
Ratu Neronika-ya..tambahkan lagi senyuman...
Wei toyongs!!!! i know dis logos...hahah...n even the t-shirts..i got 1 too...Not t-shirts but sticker.and now SUDA KANA STICK SONO GITAR SIA..huhahaha..i just got it from my pren..hehe...huhu..neway...why so quiet?
ahhaah sa senyum bha ni asaal masuk sini sa senyum saja... tingu tu crita2 kamu tu.. bha senyum2 selalu... bhaa
Bro. Kau pigi jak sana tu website dia... ada pulak di baju kau tu... tertulis..
kay- ok..semestinya...
oit...opimot tekau bala om yaditi....okonko ikau ti it geng min band yoti cgu david oi....nga bai cdu david la opimot ku ..hehe...sid karamaian sid kandawayon bo.....aramai ti...haha
nda tau la..
yg sy ingat cgu David ja...
klu ada dia adala bah tu ko kan...
bah...all the best untuk apa2 sja bo...God bless...n gong xi fa chai...:)
Priscilla-ya..kami la ba tu..uncle sya ba c David tu..ehehe
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